2017 Was pretty much the year of “13 Reasons Why“. I couldn’t go online, read a newspaper or watch tv and not read or hear about the controversial Netflix series. It was everywhere. Even though…
World, meet my guilty pleasure: Asian dramas. Though my love for US series is deep, sometimes I just like to see what the other side of the world has to offer. One of my latest…
What I’ve been doing apart from fangirling over the Isabel Marant x H&M collection? Well, I like to use the little time I have left by running late-night marathons of my new found love: Supernatural.
I’m back for a second round of “What’s on?“, where we take a 180° degree turn from horror to comedy with CBS’s newest hit show, 2 Broke Girls!
Because there’s so much more to life than fashion & beauty, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite series with you over the next couple of weeks. First up is the…
1. Sex and the City Het begon allemaal met deze. Sex and the City, kortweg SATC, vertelt het verhaal van 4 vriendinnen en hun belevenissen in Manhattan, New York. De serie sloeg in als een bom…