AIFW: MC by Monique Collignon

On Friday, couturier Monique Collignon showed her new line MC by Monique Collignon. The new line is classic with a twist, overall very elegant and feminine designs. Some dresses with ruches, but also feminine power looks. Apart from black, beige and white, there were also touches of blue and some animal prints.

Pics courtesy of Jeroen Snijders.

No doubt it’s a collection with ‘safe’ wearable designs , which will be good for sales. There are some great work and party outfits in there!

Visit the Monique Collignon website here.


AIFW: Frans Molenaar prijs 2010

Seven young & talented designers showed their skills during the Frans Molenaar award show on Friday. They all presented five of their looks on the runway. The contestants were Hyun Yeu, Piotrek Panszczyk, Tischya Oedit, Fred Farrow, Ratna Ho, Marie Burlot and Denise Esser. A jury of three fashion professionals chose Fred Farrow as the winner of the Frans Molenaar award. They thought his collection was very new, beautifully made and had lots of nice details.

Farrow got his inspiration from the Chanel girl, who switches her shirt with the bartenders’ after a wild night. This resulted in a mix of twisted pieces of fabric that were wrapped around the body like a t-shirt. The accessories were referring to some classic style icons (scarves wrapped around the hair, maxi sunglasses).

Note: The video got the wrong title, I don’t know what happened to the actual Monique Collignon show video though. Please fix this, 2010aifw!
The winning looks by Fred Farrow:

Pics courtesy of Jeroen Snijders.

AIFW: Red Rail

Last Friday, The Red Rail showed a collection of clothes which you can buy by giving your blood for the next half year. After that the clothes will be presented in the Young Designers United store in Amsterdam. With this project, the Red Rail wants to create awareness about Leukemia patients that can be helped by donating blood. 18 Designers created an unique outfit with the support of Dutch designer Claes Iversen and Angelika Groenendijk Wasylewski from Young Designers United. Together they created 20 different looks for men and women.

My 2 favorite looks:
Image courtesy of Jeroen Snijders.

AIFW: Lichting 2010

For Lichting 2010, 7 Dutch acadamies sent their 2 best designers to present their graduation collections during AIFW. An international jury had to pick who had the best collection. This year, it was Marije de Haan who convinced the audience with her meanswear collection called ‘Flatliners‘. The collection was inspired by crimescene photography at the beginning of the 19th century.

“I’ve always been fascinated by police photographs. The anonimity and the surreal intrigue me. It’s not so much the people who are in them that make things interesting, but the scene around them; a can in the background, dirt on the ground or the blanket covering the body. The picture in it’s whole is what’s making me asking questions and that I wanted to integrate that into my collection,” explained Marije.
The anonimity she spoke of  is clearly visible in the collection. The shirts were covering the heads of the models to hide their identity. Also the black and white colorpalette referred to the crimescene pics.

Apart from the G-star RAW Talent Award, she also wins €10.000 and the chance to join the G-Star RAW styling team during the next New York Fashion Week.

Marije’s collection is at 4:10

Pic courtesy of Peter Stigter.


AIFW: Marloes Blaas

Designer Marloes Blaas presented her first summercollection at AIFW last week. Like Franciscus van der Meer, she also used WWII as an inpiration, but she mainly focused on the peasant life of that period and the atmosphere surrounding the liberation of the war.

The ‘Derived‘ collection has leather shorts, a military overall (which was made from an army tent!) and pants with pockets on the seams. To add contrast, she used some airy fabrics and femine faded tie-dye prints for her maxi-dresses.

Pics courtesy of Jeroen Snijders.

Visit the website here.


AIFW: Individuals by AMFI

This year, the INDIVIDUALS show of the Amsterdam International Fashion Institute (AMFI) was named ‘Some dream of running away to the circus’. Individuals is an ever changing collective of young creative designers. By combining talent every time an inspiring story is told. Every generation adds it’s own unique chapter to the continuing story of Individuals.

The show opened with dip-dye designs in purple and champagne. With this, the students wanted to refer to a trapeze that floats in the air. They tried to express this through their designs by making a mix of close-fitting and loose shapes. Also the make up was completely matched with the circus theme.

Pics courtesy of Jeroen Snijders.
When I think of a collection that’s inspired by the circus, the first thing that comes to mind is: will it be wearable? But for this collection, I can say it is. Lots of wide pants combined with tight blazers (I’m loving these looks the most), some dresses, skirts and great accessories. I love the finger gloves, I’ve got to get my hands on those! I’d prefer them in black though.
Individuals is sold in the Netherlands and is now focusing on expanding abroad (United States, France, Japan and Denmark). In September an Individuals pop-up store will be opened in London.

Visit the website here.
