I have a confession to make. I love watching beauty hauls, favourites and swaps on Youtube. I could literally spend the whole day doing nothing but that while in the meantime making my own little wish list of all the things I want to buy. Today I’d like to show you some beauty vloggers (not really a fan of the word ‘guru‘) I really like and perhaps you will enjoy watching them too.
This list changes all the time but these are my current favourites (in no particular order) where I go for inspiration, tips and new stuff to buy. They’re mostly UK-based since the products that are mentioned on US channels are hard to get or unavailable here.
Anna is one of the b/vloggers I turn to when I’m looking for more luxurious beauty products, the kind that is sold at Selfridges, Space NK etc. There are very few bloggers that make me want to own their whole stash, but Anna is definitely one of them.
More luxury can be found on the pretty channel of Alix. I like the relaxed vibe and beautiful surroundings of her channel and videos. Plus, we agree on quite a lot of things when it comes to product (dis)likes. I’d raid her stash anytime.
We continue down the luxury road with Lily Pebbles’ channel. I found her through Anna’s channel with whom she often does vlogger collabs.
Zoella is one of the most popular bloggers out there and I can totally get that. She’s gorgeous, funny, real and not afraid to show her goofy side. She does all sorts of things on her channel (challenges, tags, blogger collabs..) but it’s mostly beauty related (hauls, favourites, tutorials..). Whenever I watch one of her videos it puts a smile on my face. Definitely one to watch!
Another vlogger whose enthousiasm bursts out of my screen is Fleur. Her channel is a mix of luxury and budget buys and she often does collabs with US vloggers.
The only Dutch speaking vlogger that made the list is Vera. I mainly watch her for her mostly budget-focused hauls, likes/dislikes videos and new make-up releases. For me she stands out of the Dutch blogging community because she’s very down to earth and always very honest with her reviews. Vera also tries her best to keep everyone happy and tries to help where she can by giving truthful advice. She just looks like a sweet girl I’d be friends with.
Another Dutchie I really like (but she vlogs in English) is Nikkie, whom I’ve been following for years. She’s such a talented makeup artist (especially at such a young age) she just had to be in this list. Her approach is more American-stereotypish (from the accent to the OMG’s and high pitched squeals), so you have to be into that. BUT she’s fun to watch and not afraid to make fun of herself. Kudos to you gurl.
And last but not least, the only man in this list is Wayne Goss. He’s a makeup artist that has taught me a lot about different techniques to apply makeup for everyday use. He recently also released his own makeup brush collection, which according to reviews, is as amazing as his videos.
I’m sure I’m still forgetting some but I could go on and on about this.
What do you think of the list? Anyone you are following or going to follow from now on?
Any other Youtube beauty vloggers I need to check out?
ik sta ervan versteld hoe goed die nerderlanders hier in zijn! er is ook nog zo’n ander olijk duo. het klinkt allemaal zo naief en simpel en toch werkt het. maar dat betekent niet dat het voor iedereen werkt. dat is het nu net. heb ook al een aantal video’s gezien die hetzelfde beogen, maar echt helemaal niet ok zijn.
Met duo bedoel je wss Pixiwoo? Of heb je het over Nederlanders?
Youtube is iets waar je in moet groeien denk ik. Diegenen die het goed doen zijn meestal wel al heel lang bezig en om goeie kwaliteit (zowel audio als beeld) te leveren heb je toch ook wel het één en ‘t ander van materiaal nodig. Een investering die niet iedereen zich kan veroorloven. Ik heb ook al wat met video willen doen maar editen neemt zo ongelofelijk veel tijd in beslag.. en alle audio bleek nadien altijd out of sync of had veel last van ruis :/
Ook al doen ze feitelijk allemaal wat hetzelfde, toch is het de persoonlijkheid die het ‘m vaak doet. Ik ga minder op zoek naar echt tutorials aangezien België niet echt een make-up land is en veel looks gewoon niet draagbaar zijn in het dagelijkse leven. In die zin vind ik Gossmakeupartist dan weer geweldig, want hij geeft echt tips over welke materialen en technieken het beste zijn om basis make-up aan te brengen.
You have to check out EssieButton! She has been my favourite beauty YouTuber since for ever! And she runs a pretty neat blog as well 🙂 uuuhm no one else comes to mind immediately, you’ve mentioned pretty much al of my UK favourites yourself!
Yes I’m following her as well 🙂
Oh, ik kijk ook naar allemaal, behalve de twee Nederlandse dames (added to the list, check!)! Ik kijk ook heel graag naar MakeupTIA, ik word zo rustig van haar filmpjes 🙂
Oh die ken ik nog niet. Bedankt voor de tip! ^_^
Ik volg niemand op Youtube. Ik ben nog maar net muziek beginnen luisteren op Youtube, dus mja, je ziet hoe erg ik achter loop 😉 Ik kijk wel af en toe vlogs hoor, maar dan gewoon via een blog.