Deodorant. Perhaps not the sexiest topic to talk about, but with Summer coming up, it’s better to be well equipped for those hot summer days, no?
I gave up buying spray deodorants a while ago (still finishing some though) and have since then been venturing into deodorant sticks. I still love the Louis Widmer one, but was curious if the drugstore could offer me the same thing. Once I was standing in front of this huge shelf filled with deodorants I’ve never heard anyone talk about, I knew this purchase was going to end up on the blog. After being clueless for 15 minutes, I went for the Dove Maximum Protection Original Clean Deodorant stick with moisturizing cream.
As part of a new launch at the time, this deodorant stick was part of a collection with 3 scents. I love the scent of fresh cotton/ laundry/ soap over floral or zesty scents, so I went for the Original Clean version as it is a more subtle scent. Trust me, no one wants to smell your deodorant from across the room anyway.

Apart from the scent I also like the design of the packaging. It’s a twist-up deodorant stick that releases the cream from the top. The top itself is well rounded, making it perfect to ‘hug’ your armpits in a very gentle fashion. You can dispense the exact amount of product you want and spread it really easily. The only thing I didn’t like – and I found out later – is that the oil of the product started to separate after a while, which caused the substance to leak when not careful. So no, this isn’t a deodorant I’d recommend to carry around in your bag, but I don’t recommend to reapply stick deodorants during the day anyway for hygienic reasons.
The deodorant cream itself is as promised very moisturizing and a dream for rough or dry armpits. If on the other hand, you transpire easily I would look elsewhere. It will prevent bad scents but not the casual sweaty pit.
Dove Maximum Protection Original Clean Deodorant (45ml) – € 8
Available at the drugstore and supermarket
Disclaimer: Product was purchased.