Personal | Up In The Air

heli diary 2

Hey guys, I apologize for the lack of blog posts lately. I’ve been juggling with work schedules and there were so many things happening I didn’t even have the time to sit down and blog about them. Follow me on Instagram if you want to stay updated on what’s happening behind the scenes.

The people who are already following me probably know what I did last week, but let me recap for a second. Last December I went to volunteer as a bartender at a end-of-the-year party at my family’s firm. As an extra, they decided to do a prize raffle among the employees. One of the prizes was a helicopter flight, which I won! I must’ve done something right during that month because I never win anything! Anyway, last weekend it was time to cash in.

I’ve embarked on a helicopter flight before when I was only 12, but since I don’t remember that much about it, it felt as if it was my first time all over again. That said, we couldn’t have picked a better date to refresh my memory. The sun was shining and the temperature was above 20° for once.. For 30 minutes we were kings/queens of the sky, looking down upon those little creatures that were going through their everyday lives. Incredible. The irony of it all is that I’m actually afraid of heights. But that won’t stop me from challenging myself and facing my fears.

Next thing to tick off of my bucket list: skydiving. Sounds like a good plan for next year 🙂 Has anyone gone on a heli flight before? Or what about skydiving, a parachute or bungee jump or perhaps a hot air balloon ride?

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In case you’d like to give it a go yourself, go here for more info.


Question: Vinden jullie het handig dat ik mijn posts ook in het Nederlands vertaal (zie voorgaande posts) of is dat overbodig?



  1. May 13, 2013 / 7:34 pm

    Ik ben 2 jaar geleden in een heli geweest om zo de grand canyon te ontdekken en dan zijn we gestopt in het midden van de grand canyon om te picknicken echt super! ik wil super graag ook eens skydiven!
    Ik lees het sws altijd in het Engels dus voor mij is het zo goed 😉

    • Sté
      May 13, 2013 / 7:41 pm

      Wow, boven de grand canyon? Dat lijkt mij zo zwaar de max 😀
      Bedankt voor je input 🙂

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