Outfit | Cotton Candy Kid

For today’s post we went shooting at the local playground where I literally spent half of my childhood. I couldn’t help but feel like a little kid again when I saw nothing had really changed. It looked just as abandoned and derelict as when I left it behind years ago and the equipment was just as shabby. The only thing missing was the warm laughter of my neighbourhood friends, whom I hung out with almost every day until the wee hours. Just talking, playing soccer or b-ball or secretly smoking our first cigarettes. Those were the times!

Seeing everything as it is now, I guess times really do change. We’re all grown up, we have responsibilities, jobs and some already have a family of their own. Even though I have broadened my scope over the years and I’m not sure if and how long I’m still going to stay here, this place unmistakably helped to shape the person I am today and therefore it will always have a special place in my heart. (Why am I so cheesy today? Bleh I must be watching way too many Asian drama’s). Anyhow. Just wanted you to have some background infowz.

Today’s outfit is a mix of those elements; the playfulness of the cable knit pom pom hat, candy clutch and oversized cotton candy fluffy mohair sweater versus the more adult leather shorts and fierce booties. I feel like I’m still in between and I’m not ready to pick a side just yet. Come to think of it, aren’t we all just big kids who simply witched from dressing their Barbie dolls to dressing up ourselves?


Cable knit hat & mohair sweater: H&M — Candy clutch & black booties: Margiela for H&M
Black leather shorts: Topshop



  1. December 4, 2012 / 4:57 am

    Die sweater past echt fantastisch goed bij je huidskleur 🙂

    Het is toch raar hoe sommige plaatsen je echt vormen hé, gewoon het feit dat je er zo veel tijd hebt doorgebracht betekent heel wat ^^


  2. December 4, 2012 / 9:02 am

    Pretty outfit!
    MMM for H&M is echt prachtig! Staat je goed!


  3. December 4, 2012 / 11:32 am

    Ik word ook helemaal sentimenteel als ik op zo een plek komt waar ik zo veel tijd heb doorgebracht (en nu eigenlijk nooit meer kom). Dan besef je echt pas hoe snel alles gaat.. 🙁

    De clutch is echt super leuk en super schattige foto’s!!

  4. December 4, 2012 / 12:57 pm

    echt supercute dit, en mooi geposeerd!

  5. December 4, 2012 / 1:00 pm

    So sweet! Love how cute and fluffy it is, but the shorts and booties definitely give it an edge 🙂

  6. December 5, 2012 / 3:17 pm

    That sweater <3<3<3 !!! Echt een super leuke look! Zou ik ook dragen! Die schoenen zijn dus echt prachtig, such a good buy!!! En die candy clutch, HOE leuk! Is het handig?


  7. December 6, 2012 / 12:01 pm

    I didn’t knew you bought the bag as well! Maar ben toch nog steeds ultimate fan van de schoenen! Die trui is ZO ZACHT, alleen aangezien ik lenzen heb vond ik hem voor mij de niet de beste optie en daarbij staat hij jou ook VEEL beter!

    See you soon?


    • Sté
      December 11, 2012 / 6:13 pm

      Ik draag ook lenzen en heb er helemaal geen last van 🙂

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