Last Thursday I headed out to Antwerp for the opening of the first Comma store in the Benelux. Comma, aptly named after the punctuation mark and from the same group as S. Oliver (which merges with the comma store), offers a monthly changing main collection where they focus on femininity and casual wear. Whereas the comma range offers fashion for special occasions and trendy pieces, the new comma casual identity range is more suitable as leisure wear. Designer’s choice by comma on the other hand is said to be more exclusive, trendy wear brought to you straight from the catwalk.
In all honesty I have to say I struggled to find something that I’d kill for –figuratively speaking– ànd was within my budget. For example I really liked to take that brown handbag and denim jacket home with me, but 100 – 120 euros is just a tad too much for a poor student like me :’) . I do however think this is a good store for decent basics that would appeal to an older audience.
If you happen to be in Antwerp, drop by to check it out (dropping by before 19/05 could even get you a spankin’ new Comma bike)! In the meantime you’ll be able to find me next door at sister brand S. Oliver.. (I’ll show you some in-store pics and what I bought soon! 😉 )
Comma store
Meir 32 – 36
Ziet er goed uit zeg 😀