Chocolate in my mailbox, I wish it happened more often. As a chocoholic I find that it’s almost impossible to resist what I like to call the ‘gift from the gods’. The last time I tried it, I only lasted 16 days and boy, the rebound was a bitch. Pardon my French, but there’s no dignified way to say it; it was BAD. Ever since then I haven’t been able to say ‘NO‘ to all of the chocolate bars, muffins, brownies, ice cream, cupcakes, moelleux, cookies, pies and whatelse of chocolate flavored sweetness that is out there.
Anyway, Christmas must’ve come early this year I thought when I unsuspectingly opened the box. Inside was a box of chocolates and a metal Christmas ball (filled with even more chocolates) by chocolatier Daskalidès. Or had it? My enthusiasm slightly decreased when I saw they were chocolates with fillings. Me no likey. I like my chocolates as virgins, pure & untouched sweet sensations. Probably also the reason why I never heard of this Belgian brand before, even though they are sold in over 40 stores worldwide.
The box is part of the holiday collection which Daskalidès. Inside were 9 chocolates in 3 different flavours;
- Diamant: dark chocolate filled with creamy caramel and finished with a pinch of fleur de sel
- Rubis: dark chocolate with a soft core of ganache, sprinkled with Piment d’Espelette
- Eberaude: milk chocolate with caramelized bits of crispy biscuit, decorated with a fresh touch of lime
I munched down all three of them and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Not only did I like them, but my favorite was also the ‘Diamant‘, even though I’m not a fan of dark chocolate. The creamy caramel content had me at the first nibble and the touch of salt is really subtle and makes it a very interesting first experience. At first I thought I was probably going to give them away to my parents, but after trying them I was a little bit bummed I had to share ’em. And my parents turned out to be fans too. While dad chose Eberaude as his favourite, my mom couldn’t choose between Diamant and Eberaude. “Tell them they’re always welcome to send some more of these” and I couldn’t agree with her more.
As if that wasn’t enough, they also included a metal X-mas bauble filled with 16 napolitains in dark (72% pure cacao) & milk chocolates inside. I would get this for the fun packaging alone, it ‘s a bit cliché though, but it’s one of the best editions I’ve seen. It makes a great gift for when you’re visiting your family during the holidays and afterwards you can just hang the bauble in your Christmas tree.
Thank you Daskalidès for bringing me some Christmas in October!
Luxurious Holiday box small (9 pralines) € 10,00
Luxurious Holiday box big (30 pralines) € 23,10
Metal Christmas Ball filled with 16 napolitains € 7,50
Cool, chocolate gifts are so much better than alcohol gifts that seem to be going around a lot in my circles!
Fun gift idea for the holidays too, cliché maybe but I’ll go for it anyway. 😉
So weird you hadn’t heard about Daskalidès, they’re really famous.