Beauty | My Makeup Routine

This was requested a while ago and I finally got to it, yaay! Some of you were curious as to how I apply my makeup to make it look so light and natural so I made this little video. I wasn’t too sure if this would make it online, since I feel so awkward in front of the camera + I’m never satisfied with the result. I taped myself doing my makeup for like 3 times and in the end I just stopped talking (So don’t worry when music is all you hear).

Mind you a lot of the natural feel depends on the condition of the skin. My skin wasn’t in the best condition then because well, it was that time of the month. I don’t know if it’s like that with you guys, but my skin looks awful around that time and it happens my usual makeup routine doesn’t do the trick. That’s when I usually go for a BB cream instead.

I must add that the colors in this video are somehow deceiving. It looks like I’m wearing a truckload of blush, while in reality I’m only wearing as much as in the picture above. Also my nail polish is in a totally different color (I’ll post a tutorial on that one later). I don’t know if I can adjust this since I’m a total rookie at video editing and I don’t own any equipment to shoot realistic videos. If you have any tips for me, let me know!

Anyway in reality, apply just a little less blush (like on the photo above). My golden tip is to always build up the makeup. Never apply too much, but build it up bit by bit in order to prevent wearing too much. I like to keep it natural, so this is what I usually do. It makes up the perfect base for everything else (smokey, nude, festive etc).

If you have any questions on application or the products I used, don’t hesitate to ask! Or if you have more requests for me, shoot!



  1. September 13, 2012 / 12:43 pm

    jouw video editing skills zijn infinitely better dan die van mij hoor 😀 en dat nintendo achtige liedje is SUPER fun 😀

    • Sté
      September 13, 2012 / 1:10 pm

      Dat ligt niet aan mijn skills, Mac heeft gewoon een goed en simpel programma om dat te maken 😀 Alleen het geluid is wat ‘off’ maar na 2 dagen editen had ik het wel een beetje gehad 😀

  2. September 13, 2012 / 1:22 pm

    Ik vind dat je dat zeker niet slecht doet! Leuk filmpje!

  3. September 14, 2012 / 1:39 pm

    😀 really enjoyed watching it! I’m also very akward on camera, so I get you! Love those glowing cheeks and pink lips!

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