Once and a while I get the baking flu (the urge to bake something) and today I caught it yet again. This time, American pancakes were on the menu. Luckily, ‘cuz my baking flu really saved the day! What was supposed to be our dessert, ended up being our main -and only- course. My mom tried to make asparagus with some sauce and failed terribly, so we ended up eating pancakes for diner. :,-) And they were truly delicious! You don’t have to be a kitchen princess to make these, making American pancakes is quick and easy! Here’s the recipe:
- 1 egg
- 3/4 cup of milk
- 2 tablespoons of melted margarine
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
- 1 cup of flower
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 3 teaspoons of baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- maple syrup (ahornsiroop or esdoornsiroop in Dutch)
Beat the (complete) egg, until it’s fluffy and add the other ingredients. Since I’m rather a sweet tooth, I added another 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence and 1/2 table spoon of sugar to the recipe. Mix the batter well and leave it for about 10 minutes. After that you’re up for the tricky part!
What I do to give my pancakes nice round and thick: Grease your frying pan with butter to keep the batter from sticking to your pan. You can see if the frying pan is hot enough by adding a drop of water to it and watch the drop shatter and dance in your pan. Grab a pot ladle of batter and slowly pour half of it in the frying pan. Wait a few seconds for the outer section to maintain its shape and then -very slowly- add the other half to get the American style pancake. When you get bubbles of air rising out of your pancake it is time to flip! It’s important to flip it in a quick movement, or your shape will be ruined. Flip it a couple of times until you have a nice golden pancake. Depending on the size of your pancake, you can bake about 8 – 12 pancakes with the amount of batter.
And of course we serve it the American way as well! Add a bit of maple syrup to give it some extra sweetness! I bought this O’Canada one in Delhaize.
Et voilà, here’s the result: delicous American pancakes! Bon appetit!
hhhhhmmmmmm, looks so so delicious. still haven’t figured out how to get them so small and thick. will try it step by step, but i am not sure about the result
I’d have to say.. that really was PERFECT. I was ready to comment and let you know to add in some vanilla extract and a little bit of sugar. To my surprise you already had them on the list! Not many people (even people in America) know or think to do those two things. Without them, the pancakes aren’t bad they just aren’t as amazing as they are WITH these ingredients. You can also add a touch of cinnamon (if you like).
To get them small and think you have to put the flame up pretty high. Then drop the mix down onto the pan and WATCH CLOSELY. As soon as you see little bubbles forming its time to flip them. It will be much quicker because the flame is higher. We call those “silver dollar pancakes” here (just about 3 inches big). Those are my fav!
Okeey die maak ik morgen! Thanks girl (:
This looks delicious (mouthwatering alert). I already tried them once myself, but I may have to try making them again and follow your steps to get them so small and thick. 🙂