Event | Ola Beach Party Report

As you all know I attended the Ola Beach Party at the Waagnatie in Antwerp yesterday. Free drinks and ice cream (mmm I love Magnum), a nice temperature, some beats and awesome (and crazy) company is how I would summarize my night. Unfortunately I didn’t win the grand prize –bummer-, but I had fun nonetheless 🙂 I hope you enjoy the pics!

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Yes, the Katy Perry Oh Honey Eylure lashes again, lol. I’m hooked!

Thanks to Ola and the PURE boys Tom & Stijn for the lovely evening!

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  1. March 25, 2012 / 11:44 pm

    Duuude, ik krijg die lashes echt voor geen meter opgeplakt, you need to come and help me glue them to my face! Fijne fotoooo’s, too bad dat ik er niet bij kon zijn!

  2. March 26, 2012 / 12:21 am

    Looks like you guys had a blast!

  3. March 26, 2012 / 9:47 am

    fun pictures even though I look kinda drunk in that picture 😀

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